Crocodile Encounter is the premier Texas animal wrangler service for media companies that require exotic and large reptiles for various projects. Crocodile Encounter has multiple film and photo credits using our animals in professional media environments. We place an emphasis on animal quality, proper animal handling, and professionalism in regards to all media projects. Full confidentiality is assured. We are pleased to be able to offer the following services to our clients:

Film: Crocodile Encounter provides exotic animals and handlers with an emphasis on crocodilians to cinema, TV, and other media. Our animals are carefully selected to ensure a stress free and productive shoot for both the animal and the human participants.

On location shoots: Crocodile Encounter provides large camera friendly habitats that make shooting your project cost efficient. Shooting your scenes at our location will save your company time and money. Why go to Africa to see wild Nile crocodiles when you can film them in a natural habitat here in Texas?

Advertising: Want to create attention with an add? Contact us for the use of a professionally handled animal. It makes all the difference in the quality of your experience.

Photo: Multiple venues for a multitude of reasons. You have an idea and need an animal to complete your project. Give us a call and we will make it happen for you.